Privacy Policy


Our Privacy Policy covers any visitor to our Site(s). This policy applies to both online and offline collection, storage, processing, and transfer of Personal Information.


As used in this Privacy Policy, the following terms have the following meanings:

Financial Information:

Means specific Personal Information of a financial nature such as your credit card number.


:Means any Information collected and includes: “Personal Information”, “Financial Information”, “Web Analytical Information” or any other Information collected from you through our Site(s).

Marketing Information:

Means your Web Analytical Information and your Personal Information such as your name, address, e-mail address and telephone number that the Organization collects uses and discloses for the marketing and promotional purposes as disclosed in this Privacy Policy.

Personal Information:

Means Information that may be used, alone or in combination, to identify a specific individual and includes Financial Information. .

Information We Collect:

We collect various types of Information from you through our Sites, when we talk to you on the phone. Some of this Information is collected automatically through various web and internet technologies including Social Networking tools used by the Organization. Other Information is collected when you provide it in response to an advertisement, or a request for information; or if you register or order educational or other products and services, set up a Social Network or other Site profile, or if you choose to use one of our learning assessments or other interactive tools.

Information Collected Automatically

Each time you visit one of our Sites, Web Analytical Information is automatically gathered. In general, this Information does not identify you personally. Examples of Web Analytical Information include, but are not limited to:

Marketing Information:

We use marketing Information to help us better plan our Sites and services to meet your needs; to measure and improve our Site(s)’ services and features, to communicate with you by e-mail, postal mail, telephone, cellular/mobile phone, PDA devices, and/or on applications for mobile phones such as iPhone or Blackberry about products or services that may be of interest to you, to provide you with customer support, to prevent potentially illegal activities (including illegal downloading of copyrighted materials in accordance with our Copyright Infringement policy), and to enforce our Terms of Use. We also use a variety of technological systems to detect and address anomalous activity and to screen content to prevent certain abuses such as spam. These efforts may on occasion result in permanent suspension or termination of Site functionality for some users.

Privacy Policy Changes:

Sys Vurk Communications may update this Privacy Policy or revise it from time to time. If you are concerned about how your Personal Information is used or disclosed you should contact us as described below or check back at this Site periodically to obtain a current copy of this Privacy Policy. We urge you to review this Privacy Policy frequently to obtain the current version. Your continued provision of Personal Information or use of our services following any changes to this Privacy Policy constitutes your acceptance of such changes. If we intend to use Information that personally identifies you in a manner materially different from what we stated at the time it was collected, we will attempt to notify you at least 30 days in advance. You will be given a choice as to whether or not previously provided Information may be used in a new way.

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